So, let's start the analysis of the site for the Dynamo-LO volleyball club. The goal voiced by the customer was to create a user-friendly website with an adaptive and a set of functions that are very important for both the customer and site visitors.
The most saturated with information (read, infographics) The main screen with the output of results, upcoming matches, broadcasts, ticket purchases, downloaded announcements, reviews, game statistics and also title sponsors of the club.
Segmented news block with a clear separation of videos and photos, as well as topics of publications for the convenience of users.
The most simplified way to edit content on the site without the involvement of a developer. Created different states of the main screen for different tasks (match announcement, no match, match broadcast, ticket sales, broadcast on a third-party resource, adding match results with a simple selection of indicators such as clubs, game address, game files). The content managers of the club add all the information from anywhere in the country, including from phones.
We certainly started with an analysis of the existing site, the structure required reorganization, and in principle, from the image below, you can understand that at first the content was divided by the frequency of requests, and then all sections were formed into groups by direction.
прелесть любого юикса в том, что мы грамотно расставляем всё на свои места, в том порядке, в котором этого и хочет пользователь. Есть очень тонкая грань между изменениями в структуре, которая будет по началу непривычна для привыкших к старому, но зато нативная и понятна посетившим сайт впервые.
тотальные изменения это не признак глупости или ошибки, наоборот, если перемены необходимы, то совершить их – крайне важный шаг, который откроет новые возможности. Ведь как известно, Глуп тот человек, который никогда не меняет своего мнения.
На сегодняшний день, Сайт – это окно в ваш бизнес, в него можно заглянуть, не выходя из дома, рассмотреть что лежит на полках и сделать заказ через это же окно. Но, согласитесь, мы с большей охотой заглядываем в те окна, которые свежи и помыты, где на полках все лежит логично и аккуратно. И мы обожаем наводить информационный порядок
The juiciest place on any site. The main screen is what the user sees when opening the site on the main page, exactly what gets into the screen - and there is the main screen.
The task was not easy, I wanted to fit both the played matches and the upcoming ones, and the title sponsor and the broadcast window, and okay, desktop, but mobile ... In general, we tried.
During the absence of broadcasts and announcements, a stub picture is installed on the site.
Далее – его мобильная версия (с механической обезличенной рукой и телефоном) и в момент трансляций на месте анонсной записи установлен iframe с возможностью просмотра прямо в этом окне.
We also satisfied the request of the club to place links to the match statistics (pdf), gallery (from the gallery section) and announcement (news article) directly in the match card itself.
Definitely, these cards surpassed all the content of the site in terms of workload and information content, but I must admit, their most pleasant plus is that they are edited directly from the admin panel, the club adds everything itself, and there is no link to the developer company, which many customers are so afraid of, having past negative experience programming dependencies.
There are two teams in the club, a member of the super league Parimatch - Dynamo-LO and a member of the youth league - Dynamo-LO-2. Each of the teams has its own games, its own calendar of games, and, of course, its own composition of coaches and players. But the search queries are separate. Anyone who is looking for a youth team wants to get on the page of the youth team, and this is logical.
Therefore, the teams have two independent pages. Absolutely identical in structure, but so harmonious. Well, again, there is an opportunity to place content unique for each league, recruitment to a youth team or selling tickets for super league games.
The site is still young, gaining momentum, acquiring content, while not all employees were at the photoset, until all sponsors prepared content about themselves, but the fact remains that this is a full-fledged portal for a volleyball club, where all the information is added by the club's employees, not the developer .